Monday, February 15, 2010

A note from Chloe- I'm 18 months old!

Can you believe that I am already one and a half!

I like to go to the park with mommy now that it's getting warmer outside and swing, go down the slide all by myself, climb on the play structure, run in the grass, make new friends, and pet doggies!

I'm learning new words every day. I try to say any word you tell me and often put two or three words together to make a sentence! When mommy asks me what I want for breakfast, I tell her cereal, oatmeal, or toast!

Sometimes I ask for candy... 'two please!'... after I sit on my potty for a while. I'm learning how to use the potty, wipe myself, and wash my hands and I get 2 Reese's Pieces when I do, so I like to try several times a day!

I know what lions, monkeys, dogs, cats, ducks, birds, fish, cows, bears, goats and horses are and what sounds they make. I like to point them out at the zoo and make their sounds!

I count with mommy and daddy and know the numbers 2, 5, 6, and 9. I know the colors yellow and purple. I try to spell my name 'o-e-i-e' when I see it written down. I like to walk up to people and say hi wherever I am- the store, library, park, etc. I moved up to the big kid class at church and now get to go outside and listen to Bible stories!

I ask mommy every day (at least twice) to do art... that means I get to paint or color with crayons! I like to color in the shapes that mommy draws on paper for me and I always use lots of colors! I also like it when mommy traces my hand for me to color and I try to do it myself now!

I love my stuffed animals and baby dolls and kiss them all the time. I carry my baby around, wrap it in a blanket, pat my baby on the back and make burp noises and feed her with my toy bottles. I am a very good little mommy!

I have very good manners for a little girl. I say please and thank you and just learned to say 'scuse me' when I burp or pass gas!

I hold mommy and daddy's hand very well when we are out in public and obey most of the time when they ask me to do something or stop doing something.

I love drinking juice boxes and eating anything that I can dip (like pancakes, veggies, chicken, etc) and am getting really good at feeding myself with a fork and spoon! I also love tofu smoothies, burgers and fries (like daddy!), beans and rice, pizza, spaghetti and meatballs, peanut butter sandwiches, all kinds of fruit, hummus, raviolis, frozen peas and carrots, potstickers and lots of other foods! I can drink out of a cup very well now, but enjoy staws because I can blow bubbles with them!

I am a very good climber and can climb into my highchair, the car, my stroller, and onto any furniture in our house!

I like to wear mommy's shoes and jewelry around the house and I help her make daddy dinner every day. I dump things into bowls or pots for her, help wash foods, stir things, watch things cook in the oven window, throw things in the garbage for her, and sample all kinds of foods of course!

I know how to put my kid cd's into the boom box and turn them on, and how to put my Elmo dvd into the dvd player and skip to my fvorite parts (the cookie song and the Elmo song). I say "La la!" when I want mommy to sing or put my favorite songs on.

I like to dance on my tippytoes and hold my arms up in the air as I spin around like a ballerina!

I love to sleep and have no problem telling mommy and daddy when I want to go for a nap or to bed at night. I usually sleep 11 hours at night too! A nap sounds good right now actually!

Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading about what I've been up to theses days! Check back here again soon to find out more!

Chloe May Kliewer

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