Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sophie- 10 Months Old

Sophie is 10 months old now and boy has she ever had a busy last month! At 9 and a half months she got her first top tooth, on the front left, and a week later got the other top front tooth, on the right. Now she enjoys biting things with her new, tiny, pearly whites, including, but not limited to... veggie straws, crackers, green beans, carrots, pieces of cheese, and mommy. :)
At about 9 and a half months, Sophie started crawling in earnest! She get up on her knees and crawls around pretty quickly now, but if she REALLY wants to get somewhere fast (like chasing sister, or racing to grab a toy that Chloe has left down low) she does a funny little army style crawl where she pulls herself along on her tummy with both arms while pushing with both feet. She is quick!
Sophie also has mastered crawling over things and enjoys climbing up and over anything or anyone that happens to be in her way. She can get herself back up to a sitting position after crawling and she also has begun pulling herself up on things. The other night, after hearing her talk to herself for a while she started to cry pretty hard. When we went in to check on her, she was hanging on for dear life to the rail of her crib with just her chin over the top, unsure how to get herself back down.
Sophie is finding her voice more each day. Babbling and singing "La la la la!" has significantly increased and she will put her arms up and laugh when you say 'So big!'. Sophie has also has started saying 'la-loo' and nuzzling my neck often after I say 'love you' and kiss her. LOVE IT!

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